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How To Begin

When beginning your programming, it is best to utilize the contacts that you and others in your organization already have. We were astonished by the level of help we received from other departments in our institution. Our biggest word of advice is, don't be afraid to reach out and network to those around you. You may find out that others know of services in the area that you are interested in creating and may already have relationships with programming-specific contacts, or they may even know of a contact that you could use for sponsorships to help offset the costs incurred with programs.


Here are some tips on how to incorporate some non-traditional services into your library based on our programs through the Press Pause Campaign, at little-to-no-cost to you:


  1. Reach out to local therapy groups for information on licensed dogs in the area. Check local news stories for groups that have been active in community crisis management. Don't be afraid to ask for additional information or to see if you library could be a new stop on their schedule. Many of these groups love to get the dogs as much therapy contact as possible. It helps with their licensing and gets the dogs acclimated to a variety of individuals. This program is free for all and always brings a smile to a patron's face.

  2. Don't be afraid to contact local businesses about donations of food and drinks for your program. We were able to get a sponsorship from Costco just by reaching out through a mutual contact. They decided to donate pizzas to our Trivia Night event for some free publicity and a thank you card. Being willing to step outside your comfort zone to request monetary support may ease the cost and increase attendance to your program. Pizza brings everyone together.

  3. Time your purchasing so you get the best deals for your programming over the next year. For example, the beginning of the school year is always the best time for art supplies. Crayons, markers, pencils, coloring books, puzzles, etc. can all be found for cheap as back-to-school sales hit stores across the country. Super Bowl weekend is always a great time to stock up on 2-liter sodas and other non-perishable food items that you may want to use in your yearly programming. The week following Halloween is a great time to grab half-off candy at local grocery stores. Stock up on goodies at this time and routinely check your stash to make sure it is kept full. Timing food and goodie purchases can help offset a lot of the costs, and increase interest in your program.

  4. Cross-use items from your programming. During Movie Nights, offer free coloring sheets and the use of all of the arts and crafts supplies you purchased for the children and adults in attendance. Free coloring pages are available online and many times are of recognizable characters. Everyone loves to color. Or, if you purchased 2 liter sodas for your Trivia Night event and didn't use them all, include them in your movie night offerings to increase attendance. Free is always going to catch peoples' attention.


Following these tips may help to increase attendance at your events while minimizing the hit to your budget. The programming that Chastek Library put on in the 2018 - 2019 school year would have run us well over $750 in costs, but by reaching out for co-sponsors, purchasing smart, and reusing materials, it only ended up costing us $150 total. If we can do it, so can you!


Good luck!

Where To Start For Your Library: Text
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