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The Future of Press Pause

The Future of Press Pause: Image

Press Pause was a massive success in our library. Feedback from patrons was incredibly positive, and requests for additional programming options has spurred us into adding more offerings in the Fall.

The Future of Press Pause: Text


We will be adapting many of the programs to better appeal to, and reach, a larger demographic in the future.




The dogs are the most well-attended program we have put together this year. With well over 300+ attendees, this will definitely be continued into the next year.

Adapting this program is an on-going process and scheduling the dog's visits has been the hardest part to figure out. Every dog that enters must go through extensive grooming and training, so we do not like to waste their time; however, there are days where the traffic through the library is a tad stagnant. We have adapted the visits to be less library-centric, and more law school focused. We used to have the dogs in our Kelley Reading Room to keep them out of walkways and have since moved them into the atrium of  the library to increase visibility; now the dogs sit outside the front doors of the library.  This has increased interactions with members of the law school community and the dogs.

The actual scheduling of the dogs has been adapted every semester, as well, in an effort to find the best time-frame. We have gone from two hours down to one and a half and from 12pm - 2pm to 11:30am - 1pm in an effort to hit the lunch hour rush.  This has helped increase interaction; coupled with the new location, we may have found that sweet spot for our patrons.


Note: Scheduling the dogs will be the hardest part of implementing this program into your library.



The Movie Night events will be adapted into a more general community movie screening. We will maintain the family friendly atmosphere, but will limit the marketing focus on the family aspect of the event. We offer one family movie a semester and feedback has led us to realize that the focus on "family" in the programming title made many feel unwelcome to participate if they did not have one to bring.


Furthermore, we wish to create a more generalized focus on the films selected and create a sense of community by allowing everyone to vote on their choices. We currently have been previewing kid-friendly films; these have included Hocus Pocus and Space Jam. Our collaboration with the J. Reuben Clark Law Society has helped with film selection in the past but we will be opening up movie options to all students to vote on via marketing surveys in the student listserv.


We will also be expanding to include a critical analysis discussion of films, hopefully led by a faculty member, beginning Fall semester. Gonzaga University currently has many Kanopy titles for unlimited use under public viewing licenses. We are seeking to create a program regarding legal and law-related films for students to enjoy and discuss.



The Trivia Night event was incredibly popular. This has led us to look at removing the networking aspect, and instead, to hold monthly trivia nights in the law school's new event center, opening in Fall 2019. Students love competing, and offering a dedicated study room to the monthly trivia winners has led to a dramatic increase in interest.



We have lost our Arts and Crafts corner and are currently looking for a more general area closer to the entrance of the library. The use of this space has never been monitored but feedback from students has led us to believe that it would be missed if gone entirely. This is currently a work in progress as the library is undergoing major remodeling this summer. We hope to have a new dedicated art spot set up by August 2019.

The Future of Press Pause: Text

"Last November I participated in the library's first trivia night. It was a great way to meet new students while taking a break from studying. The library staff provided a fun and friendly atmosphere."


Hayden S.

Class of 2020

The Future of Press Pause: Text
The Future of Press Pause: Image
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